Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to start a blog.

I know I'll tell you about my currant passion for and theories of crochet.

I learned to crochet when I was 9 or 10 from a girlfriends mother. I made lots of granny squares. Then along came the 70s and crochet was BIG. I made little tank tops and hats. The 70s crochet has stayed in peoples minds because it was so garish and over the top. How could crochet be anything else.

Before the 70s crochet was used for edgings and little danty doilies. I haven't done any extensive research but crocheted clothing wasn't that common and like knitting it was made in fine wool - 3,4 or 5 ply (lace weight?) Think of all those lovely old cardie patterns you see in op shops (well not that many any more) and you think - I could make that and then you look at the yarn requirements and its 3 ply and you eyes roll back in your head.

But for crochet I think its necessary to find patterns that use finer wool. The construction of a knitted stitch is just two single lengths of yarn interlinked. A crochet stitch is much more dense.

Double knitting (sport weight) is great for jackets where you want a lot of warmth but lets go for finer wool for all the other stuff.

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