Thursday, May 20, 2010


Well I just received one of my mother's day books in the post.  (I banned mothers day, but wasn't going to say no to some books.)
It's Knitting Brioche by Nancy Marchant. (heavens - I've spilt food on it already)

As she says in her introduction these are 'not designs to be made in a weekend- they aren't quick and easy.'  But they are fabulously exciting. Two tone knitting - a bit like shot silk.  Wonderful textures and sooo thick and warm..
And they things you can do with increases and decreases.
I have to finish off the scarf I started knitting out of some 'Woodland' mohair.  8 balls for $4 in an op-shop.  Its a very big scarf, but its also very fat yarn so shouldn't take me too much longer.

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