Friday, June 25, 2010

`Centre Pull Ball.

I’ve just finished unpicking a couple of old cardies. I wound the wool into shanks and then washed and dried it before rolling it into balls. Something I like to make is centre pull balls so I don’t have balls that roll all over the place when I’m working from them.

You start by winding the end of yarn around your thumb a few times. This is the thread that will be pulled from the centre when you’re finished.

Next you start winding the yarn around three fingers and the tip of the thumb. Keep all the winding loose/soft.

When you’ve wound a couple of dozen times remove it from the three fingers but keeping the yarn wound on the thumb. Now hold the wound yarn with the three fingers and the thumb in the centre of the yarn.

Keeping the thumb in the same position as you wind around the fingers and yarn. (Winding around the fingers helps keep the ball loose) Ever few winds remove the fingers and make a quarter turn until all the yarn is used.

Tuck the end under; remove your thumb along with the centre pull thread.

1 comment:

  1. Thanxs for that, I think that will be very handy, especially as I am knew to working with yarn.....
